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How to upload to AWS S3 from Armory CDSH / Spinnaker


Although Clouddriver can download artifacts from S3 as part of a Deploy (Manifest) pipeline stage, it cannot natively upload to S3.  A Run Job (Manifest) stage can be used to upload objects to S3.  The following process example is based on a KB article describing running a generic shell script in Spinnaker (  


Write access to an S3 bucket will be required from the Spinnaker cluster.


Users looking to write to an S3 bucket will first need to create a Run Job (Manifest) stage in the pipeline.  The following is an example that should be modified to fit the parameters of the S3 bucket and will write a test message to file.tmp within the S3 Bucket.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
data: |-
echo "test file contents" > file.tmp
aws s3 cp file.tmp s3://your-bucket/your-folder/
name: s3-upload-configmap
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
app: s3-upload-test
name: s3-upload-test
backoffLimit: 2
- command:
- sh
- /opt/script/
image: amazon/aws-cli:latest
name: s3-upload
- mountPath: /opt/script
name: s3-upload-configmap
readOnly: false
restartPolicy: Never
- configMap:
name: s3-upload-configmap
name: s3-upload-configmap

The key sections are:

  • the shell commands to upload a file to s3.  In this example, we generate a test file for upload.  * Job.template.spec.containers.image: This needs to be an image with AWS CLI installed.  * Users should utilize IAM roles to handle authentication if deploying to an EC2 or ECS instance.  Otherwise, they could configure AWS authentication by inserting aws configure commands in the args section before the upload.  Providing credentials within pipelines is not recommended for secure environments, as the credential data will be present in pipelines and logs.  
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